Take advantage of spiritual self care and wellness in a way you never knew you craved or needed and spend 5 weeks with spiritual tour guide, Marissa Klein Kay (our very own Medium Next Door) as she kicks off her inaugural "Monday Night Magic" Series- a course in embracing your own spiritual journey. Marissa begins every single one of her Magic Hours mediumship sessions with similar sentiment: Every single person has gift AND can tune into spirit just as easily as she can. AND YES, each of us have the ability to connect with our loved ones who are no longer here. Time and time again she says "I speak to my grandmothers daily for the last 20 plus years... not because I am a medium, but because I know what I am looking for. Its the fact that I can speak to your grandmothers that makes me extra wink" After several years of a working medium, she is ready to share and empower others just how they too can receive, see the signs, and believe in more.
Finishing up with a small group Salt Well session to ground your energy and settle the nervous system. Salt is known for it’s anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and immune boosting benefits. What you may not be aware of is it’s effect on the nervous system— We adopted this therapy years ago as a way of tapping more easily into the parasympathetic nervous system. Including salt therapy is an incredibly effective way to trigger that rest + digest state, allowing the body + mind to connect on an even deeper level.
This 5 part "Monday Night Magic" series will empower you to lean into a collective learning environment and cultivate your spiritual growth. Running 5 consecutive weeks (skipping one for memorial day), starting 4/29 from 8-10pm. Each class will include an opening exercise, lesson, journaling, sharing, closing exercise and a salt session. Space is limited, mini groups welcome.
5/6- Mindset and Mantras
5/13- Getting Quiet & Tapping into Gut Instinct & Intuition
5/20- Look Who is Talking? (Communicating with spirit)
6/3- Setting intention for Signs (sealed & delivered!)
6/10- relax, kick back, and take part in Marissa's Magic Hours- a session of mediumship for you and your now beloved classmates. Marissa will gift a shared mediumship experience as a final celebration. This class may run a little longer so note that for scheduling purposes